On October 14, 2022, 41 workers lost their lives as a result of the accident in the coal mine in Bartın. The treatment of those who were rescued continues. After the terrible accident in Soma on May 13, 2014, in which 301 coal workers lost their lives, the Compulsory Personal Accident Insurance for Mining Workers, the details of which were published in the official gazette in 2015, became compulsory for coal mines and underground mines. All insurance companies licensed in Turkey in the general liability insurance branch are obliged to carry the mining personal accident insurance policy. Situations considered as accidents: Inhalation of gases that occur suddenly and unexpectedly, burns, and sprains, strains and tears of muscles and nerves as a result of a sudden movement are specified as sudden and external accidents occurring in mines. The insurance, which includes the main coverage for death and permanent disability, is also compulsory for the business to continue. After this accident is examined in detail, the employer's financial liability insurance will be activated after the causes and the determination of the responsible parties, if any.

Mines represent special risks and insurers need detailed information and research on risk management. Since there is no capacity for mining insurance in Turkey, they can be insured from foreign markets through reinsurance. After this latest accident, it is obvious that insurers abroad will be very meticulous about the occupational and worker health and safety measures of mines and the control of systems, and the minimum risk management bar will be raised. This extremely high-risk line of business needs to take all precautions, especially human safety, at the highest level and keep them in constant operation. Mining accidents continue to take lives every day for years. I wish condolences and patience to the families of those who lost their lives, a speedy recovery to the injured, and hope that these tragedies will never happen again.